I Hospital General 10 Reasons Why You Should Homeschool Your Dyslexic Children

10 Reasons Why You Should Homeschool Your Dyslexic Children

After over 25 years of educating my dyslexic children and running a website fully dedicated to assisting other parents in doing the same, it’s fairly clear where we stand on homeschooling dyslexic children. If you still need to be convinced, here are our top ten reasons why we feel you should homeschool your dyslexic children.

The Advantages Of Homeschooling Dyslexic Children

Whether your child is dyslexic or not, there are several advantages to homeschooling. However, unless public schools make significant improvements in how they assist dyslexic pupils, parents of dyslexic children have another option: homeschooling. This is why:

1. All subject areas, including reading, spelling, writing, and comprehension, may be tailored to your child’s specific learning style. You probably already know this if you’ve been homeschooling out-of-the-box kids for more than 5 minutes, however, not all children can sit quietly, listen, and read in order to learn.

2. You don’t have to wait until your child is failing to alter a technique of education (or curriculum). The curriculum can be changed and modifications made as needed by the parent/teacher.

3. Homeschooling gives parents the flexibility to offer proper and timely rehabilitation in tough areas such as reading, spelling, and writing. Ask any parent of a dyslexic public school student how difficult it is to get accepted for this type of treatment, much alone the right kind of assistance.

4. Homeschooling gives parents the freedom to make meaningful and appropriate concessions for their brilliant kids so that they may study and perform at their intellectual level. You’re probably already modifying how you teach your dyslexic youngster. Accommodations are an effective technique to assist a child with dyslexia to succeed to the best of their intellectual capacity despite reading or spelling deficiencies.

5. Homeschooling saves time and allows youngsters to focus on areas of interest during the day, which builds confidence and a love of learning.

6. Homeschooling allows you to plan classes based on your interests. Interest-led learning is one of the most effective methods of learning. People naturally learn in this manner all the time.

7. Homeschooling liberates students from being judged against classmates daily, with no learning challenges, and reduces many of the frequent emotional concerns linked with dyslexia.

8. Homeschooling allows your child to work at their speed while utilizing resources that complement their specific talents. Surprisingly, despite the belief that schools are the educational authorities, instructors are rarely taught about learning abnormalities such as dyslexia.

9. Homeschooling eliminates the rigorous scheduling, standardized testing, and teaching to the test that is necessary for public dyslexia schools near me.

10. Spending additional time with your dyslexic child when homeschooling helps parents to notice where their child’s interests and aptitude cross and to take the opportunity to develop their particular strengths.

Making The Decision To Homeschool Your Dyslexic Child

Every family and child is distinct. Deciding to homeschool or send your child to public or private school is a very personal one. My own experience of homeschooling our seven dyslexic children for the past 25 years leads me to believe that it is the ideal technique for educating dyslexic children.